Your personal responses to the Westminster driven ‘RSS’ proposed building plans to build 5,000 dwellings on our Greenbelt must be registered by mid October. This is your last opportunity to officially file your complaint about the absurd plans.


We have identified some ‘hot’ subjects for you to make a brief comment about:

Flood risk;
Desecration of our countryside;
houses not required;
Urban sprawl;
20 year building site;
massive traffic congestion;
extra pollution;
proximity of houses to Wigmore Farm;
Loss of wildlife;
massive reduction of property prices in local areas; etc

To find out how to comment go to comment on the RSS.

If you haven’t signed the e-petition yet, please do so and please forward onto anyone you know – we need to ramp up the signatures to at least 3,000 to make as much impact as we can:

Once again to show solidarity to the various media that have shown interest, and to register a unified resistance, we will be gathering on:

Saturday, 27th September, 3pm


“Seasons”, Quat Goose Lane, Swindon Village

Our Local MPs who are against the RSS, will be there to share with us what they are doing for our cause.

I know most of you who have attended meetings/walks previously have enjoyed the community spirit. If you have not been before, please come and meet us

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Don’t let the diggers in!